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Columbian High School
Class Of 1962

60th Reunion - October 7-8, 2022











Row 3: Jerry Meyer, Paul Thomas, David Reinhart, Ernie Miller, Jim Nordholt, Jim Flechtner, Paul Pryor, Jack Greene, Caroiline Bernard (Wentz), Merilyn Shumway and Carol Jean Dunham (Snyder)

Row 2: John Zoller, Linda Keeth (Ardner), Sten Williams, Marty Bump (Thompson), Jerrie Haines (Pryor), Jean Byrum (Davis), Darlene Toepper (Roder)

Row 1: Bill Doemel, Cindra Fry (Mullins), Paul Paulus, Steve Wilcoxson, Linda Young (Hohman), Penny Smith (Turner) 

Note: Bob Biller and Barbara Johnson (Lynch) regretfully had departed before the picture was taken. Other views can be seen HERE .

Who was at the Reunion: 

Caroline (Bernard) and Eugene Wentz; Bob Biller; Marty (Bump) & Gary Thompson; Jean (Byrum) and Randy Davis; Bill Doemel; Carol Jean (Dunham) and Tom Snyder; Jim Flechtner & Patricia McVetty; Cindy (Fry) Mullins; Jack Greene; Jerrie (Haines) and Paul Pryor; Barbara (Johnson) Lynch; Linda (Keeth) and Charles Ardner; Jerry Meyer; Ernie Miller; Jim Nordholt; Paul Paulus; Paul  & Jerrie (Haines) Pryor; David Reinhart; Merilyn Shumway; Penny (Smith) Turner; Paul Thomas & Pamela Stephenson; Darlene (Toepper) and Roland Roder; Steve Wilcoxson; Sten and Sally Williams; Linda (Young) Hohman; John and Pat Zoller

Other pictures (Note, please add pictures you took to the appropriate gallery):

Friday Night, Saturday Breakfast, Columbian High School, Jolly's Drive-In, Saturday Night

Columbian High School 50th Reunion

50th Reunion Attendees


Front Row: Mike Ward, David Setzler, Bob Davis, Suellen (Roberts) Liberto, Cindy (Fry) Mullins, Jerrie (Haines) Pryor, Charlene (Mizen) Dillinger, Patty (Mazzaferro) Moore, Virginia (Correll) Poignon, Jim Mathias, Dave Fraley, C. Jean (Dunham) Snyder

Second Row: Bill Smith, Keith Lupton, Wayne Coffman, Anita (Kramer) Shew, Darlene (Toepper) Roder, Linda (Young) Hohman, Linda Kiesel-Hayman, Marty (Bump) Thompson, Kathy (Brant) Whipple, Betty (Steininger) Mclaughlin, Barbara (Sheffel) Knowles, Penny (Smith) Turner, Linda (Daughenbaugh) Rohrbach, Mary Ann (Estep) Bird, Pari (Turner) Carter, Barb (Johnson) Lynch, Sharon (Swander) Troxell

Third Row: Ed Crilly, Victor Foght, Paul Thomas, Lanny Sherer, Steve Smith, John Zoller, Steve Drake, Jeanne (Briney) Petrosini, Cheryl (Braley) Garpiel, Marilyn Shumway, Dorene (Hartman) Kerchner, Sharon (Hepp) Tennison, Brenda (Strausbaugh) Henderson, Roberta (Kay) Carter, Joy (Kolehmainen) Reynolds, Sonny Turner, Paul Pryer, Bill Doemel.

Top Row: Jerry Meyer, Jim Nordholt, Bob Biller, Jack Snay, Steve Wilcoxson, Ed Wilson, Don Baxter, John Mann, Jim Sherwood, Paul Paulus, Ernie Miller, Jim Flechner, Sten Williams, Dick Wetzel, Butch Schrenk, Jerry Doyle, Nelson Mathias

Columbian High School Entrance 1962

Columbian High School 1962

Welcome to the Columbian High School Class Of 1962 web site.  On August 3 and 4, 2012, we will be celebrating our 50th reunion at the Tiffin AMVETS, WOW! In preparing this site, I searched high and low for my Blue and Goid; couldn't find it anywhere. I did find Nancy's copy (Nancy is my wife and when we were in school, she was Nancy Walcutt). I sure did not remember the Boys Cheering Section, do you? You can look through the sections of the "Blue and Gold" and you may find yourself transported back to Columbian. We hope that you will use this space to reacquaint yourself with your classmates and share your life experiences. This site is private, no ads, no promotions and you are in control of your information. We hope that you will share your profile with your classmates, but you can keep that private even from them.

You can help by providing pictures and other content about yourself. We also have a place where you can share pictures that you have of classmates so that we can create a visual history of our time <>.

I have also created a public notebook in Evernote where I have published artciles about class mates and about Columbian High School -

Help us locate the "missing class members". If you click on Classmate Profiles, all of those who lack a GREEN CHECK by his or her name are "missing" or haven't registered. If you know his or her email, simply enter it in the "Missing Classmates" box. You also can send us information about classmates by clicking on "Contact Us". 

This is your web site. We are simply facilitating your use of it. If you have suggestions or concerns, just send an email, "Contact Us". Please encourage your friends from the Class of 1962 to join us and share their life experiences with the class.

Columbian High School 2011



All contact information (address, phone number, e-mail address) will NEVER be shared or distributed without your permission. You control your contact information. When someone clicks on your name, the only contact information they will see is your city, state and whatever information about yourself that you entered in your Profile (if you put contact information in your Profile, they can see it). 

Only classmates can see information in your Profile unless you explicitly grant permission for others to see it. At the bottom of the Edit Profile form, you can allow others to see your Profile. You also can grant permission for classmates (and others) to see your address and phone number. Your e-mail address can only be seen by the Site Administrator. All messages are sent internally through the website by using the contact box at the bottom of your Classmates Profile page.